Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Treadmill Buying: 5 Most Important Criteria For Treadmill Comparison

Comparing treadmills is not an easy job as there is a great number to choose from. Some look very smart, others work very well, while there are a few that are a rare combination of style and performance. And then there is the affordability question. Not everyone can afford the treadmill s/he fancies.

And all this buying treadmill-talk boils down to “having the best one, one could have within one’s financial bracket.” The difficulty throughout is to decide the criteria on which to judge the treadmills. That could be a real task. I have identified 5 most important criteria to home in a good treadmill. Here is the list:

1. Cushioning
By cushioning we mean the capacity of the treadmill to absorb the pounding that you would give it during your workout. The belt and the deck of the treadmill must be tough and sturdy. The stronger the two, the better is the treadmill.

2. Stability
Stability is another important factor to be considered. One must consider how smooth the ride is. It should not be a jiggle or wobble, but must stand firm.

3. Accuracy
A treadmill must also be judged with respect to the accuracy of the actual distance covered. The more accurate the reading, the better is the machine.

4. Noise Factor
Next comes the noise factor. A treadmill should be the least noisy one. It should work soundlessly under your feet.

5. Warranty
The above list cannot be completed without adding the warranty factor. You need to take note of the warranty, machine is coming with. One should also consider the after-sales services in order to ensure that if something goes wrong with the machine, it is taken care of promptly and conveniently at home itself. Choose the machine manufactured by a company that has a help line to contact in case of trouble with the treadmill. Also, find out if the machine comes with a warranty covering the parts of the machine, especially the motor, which happens to be the most expensive part.

Once you have made comparisons on the basis of the criteria mentioned above, you would surely choose the best treadmill in the market. That too, within your budget!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Your Guide On High Blood Pressure Diagnosis

As a person ages, he tends to fall in the trap of certain diseases and disorders. The most common of all the disorders is high blood pressure or hypertension. High blood pressure or hypertension is termed as a lifestyle disease, meaning the unhealthy lifestyles are the biggest culprit for this disease.

Changing lifestyle patterns and increasing stress and tension in everyday life has brought down the normal life expectancy rate of a man. So, it becomes very important for everyone- be it a 30+ or 50+ lot- to diagnose the level of blood pressure regularly. The periodic blood pressure readings help you administer your health condition well on time and avoid further degeneration of your body.

Herein, you should know that just a single reading of your blood pressure won’t help you in diagnosing your high blood pressure problem correctly. A minimum of three readings, a day is important to diagnose the extent of your high blood pressure suffering.

Besides this, there are several other ways by which you can diagnose your hypertension. The record of your family history is one of the best ways of diagnosing high blood pressure. A person’s family history provides crucial clues. A whole physical examination of the patient’s body can also be an evidential support for diagnosing hypertension and the related disorders.

Apart from them, there are several tests that are a sure shot method to diagnose the presence of high blood pressure. One of the most commonly done tests includes Electrocardiogram or ECG. ECG includes a plethora of tests. They are insulin test, urine test, blood cell count, cholesterol test, blood composition test and lipoprotein test.

If your hypertension problem is more severe, then you need to undergo a much higher level of diagnosis. In such cases the most common test that is performed is Renal scintigraphy. Coupled with it, the Ambulatory blood pressure is also monitored in the patient.

At times, acute high blood pressure can instigate chest pain in the patient. So the best way to diagnose the effect that high blood pressure is causing on the chest is through x-ray.

There is set of other less conventional tests as well which can be followed while diagnosing high blood pressure and the related problems. You can get these tests done with the help of a naturopathic physician. The name of some of these test are urine testing, test for levels of stress hormones (adrenal) in the body, test for allergies and sensitivities with WBC count.

All these tests done on time can save you from the more aggravated effects of high blood pressure.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Treadmill Buying: How To Read Treadmill Reviews And Compare Treadmills?

Any number of treadmill comparisons can be found on the Internet and elsewhere, but none of them can really be of much help if you wish to depend upon them to pick your next treadmill or the first one. For, you have to depend upon your own comparison to ensure that you get a machine that is best suited to your purpose and does not compel you to expand your budget even a small bit.

By saying this, I do not intend that there are no good treadmill reviews or consumer reports available. There certain are, but you still have to make your own comparisons because your requirements are your own and it is only you who could decide whether or not a treadmill can be a part of the health scheme you have designed for yourself.

The first thing that needs to be considered is the motor of the treadmill. A treadmill is as good as its motor. This is the heart of the treadmill and also its soul. Consider it very carefully because it is not only the most important part but also the most expensive part of a treadmill.

You need to compare the size and quality of the motor in a treadmill. Once you are satisfied with it, compare the power it could generate. Find out how much of horsepower could the motor supply at peak duty as well as at continuous duty. Peak duty means the maximum power generated by the machine for a short duration of time while continuous horsepower means the amount of power the machine can consistently manage.

While buying a treadmill you should consider the continuous duty instead of the peak duty. If you want to use the machine for running, it is around 2.0 HP to 2.5 HP of continuous duty that you would need. But if you just want to have walk, around 1.0 HP to 1.5 HP should be sufficient.

After the motor, it is the speed that you must consider. A speed of around 10 miles per hour is enough for seasoned athletes. Running surface is also an important aspect of a treadmill, and you decide on this according to your height and overall physical structure. Do not compromise on the running surface because nothing is more bothersome than “not having enough space to run.”

Also consider the incline facility in a treadmill. This feature is there to make your walk or run harder by elevating the surface because one cannot run faster than a certain speed. The only way out is to elevate the surface. Consider how smoothly the elevation of the surface takes place. Most of the machines that come with this facility provide ample incline.

Last comes, the control panel. Now, this part can provide you the feedback regarding the number of calories burnt; the speed at which you ran and the distance you covered. These are not indispensable part of the machine and should be given at least the little importance. A carefully purchased treadmill would be a part of your exercise regimen for a very long time. So, make a wise decision after considering all the aspects.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Identify Symptoms Of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder is not an easy disorder to diagnose because most of the time it passes as light depression. However, if it is left untreated for a long duration, the possibility of its getting worse cannot be overruled. It may start off slow with the person feeling a little low during certain seasons but may grow gradually into a disabling disorder affecting one’s normal life to a very large extent. It can throw one’s life out of gear.

Generally, those suffering from this disorder feel that what they are feeling is nothing more than helplessness of a temporary kind. Then, gradually it gets serious and the season starts making them increasingly depressed. It is only when the problem becomes unmanageable that the experts are approached.

Many of the studies on the subject have shown that one out of every ten of us has suffered from the disorder in some form though it cannot be considered a disorder because it occurred once in a while. It becomes a disorder only when it starts affecting a person regularly and its impact disrupts one’s normal life.

The disorder is indicated by extreme sluggishness. So much so that people tend to sleep for more than 10 hours everyday, and even after that feel tired on getting up. It is true that the disorder can cause depression, but it is equally true that it might also be a contributing factor. Studies have shown that those who are suffering from depression of some kind are more susceptible to the disorder. The studies connect the disorder to lower exposure to the sun because a lack of sun makes the body to produce lesser amount of vitamin D, which can be a cause of the disorder.

The disorder is found to affect people of all ages but is not found in young children and tends to dig its claws on women of above 35.

If there are symptoms indicating Seasonal Affective Disorder, it is advisable that you seek expert assistance immediately because it can sometimes be cured simply by a making a little alteration in one’s diet. The treatment for the disorder is relatively easy and quite effective. So, there is no point in continuing to suffer from it.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Your Online Guide On Treadmill Belt Lubrication

Everything needs maintenance and care to sustain. Maintenance holds importance in our daily life. Just like you take care of your body on a regular basis, it is important to take care of the exercising equipments that you have in your home. The maintenance will not only increase their life but you will also be able to enjoy their fitness benefits for long.

Treadmills have become an important part of the fitness regime in many of the households. If you are also a proud owner of a tread machine, you must own a good maintenance plan. A general treadmill care regime includes cleaning and lubricating. Of them, lubrication forms the most important job.

With time and regular usage, dirt accumulates in the parts of a machine. This accumulation reduces the efficiency of the machine. Besides this, heavy usage increases the friction in the parts of a treadmill. And this friction, if uncontrolled, leads to the wear and tear of the belt. Therefore, treadmill belt needs regular and proper lubrication. Proper cleaning and lubrication reduces the over all degeneration of the treadmill belt and other parts and makes it life-long running.

A treadmill belt predominantly revolves around the rollers and the deck of the treadmill. This movement creates friction and also produces heat. When you use the belt, while running or walking, the wear and tear increases further.

There is one important point to note here. Not all the treadmill belts require lubrication. There are treadmills that have an in-built lubrication system in them. These treadmills are known as ‘self-lubricating’ treadmills. But there are still others, which need external lubrication.

The next important thing in the line is to have information about the types of treadmill lubrications that are available in the market. Plus, you should also know which will suit your machine the best.

The lubricants that you will find in the market are generally made up of two materials- wax or silicon. They are made from a non-petroleum base.

The best advice on the type of lubricant to use is offered by the treadmill manufacturer at the time of purchase. This treadmill manual or guide will feature all the information about the types of lubricant that you can use on your machine.

It is very important to use the most suitable lubricant as any wrong pick can degrade the working of the belt, and over all machine. Similarly, excessive lubrication is also not good.

Maintenance kits for your treadmills are easily available on any good online store and retail sports outlets. So, make sure that you are lubricating your treadmill properly.

And finally a word about the frequency of lubrication. For walkers, lubrication is required once every year and for the serious runners twice a year.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Treadmill Reviews: Epic T60- A Walker’s Treadmill

There are many treadmills in the market today. So it becomes difficult sometimes to make a good choice according to your needs. The best way however is to consult treadmill reviews. You can read both customer reviews as well as expert reviews. They are generally unbiased and help you make the right choice.

Today, I will discuss Epic T60 with you. This is a good pick for the walkers. My rating is 4/5. Here, goes the other details:

Epic T60 is rightly called as a machine with new limits, on the wheels of economy. Once you purchase this, you will have everything at your disposal- a strong built-up body, all necessary features and workout programs with a good amount of warranty time period. With an impeccable treadmill design, you will get all the workout comfort that you might be looking for in your treadmill machine.

This T60 model by Epic is predominantly an equipment which is best-suited to your home gym. It is light-weighted and needs less space to accommodate itself. It comes with state-of-the-art cushioned platforms that are adjustable in nature. Besides this, the surface is large enough for giving you a comfortable running or walking. The machine is capable of supporting 350 pounds of total body weight.

The most important part of any treadmill is the quality of its motor. The machine features a powerful and durable motor that can support both types of running: light and intense. The machine also provides you a general sports training feature, with the contemporary treadmill workouts. And not to forget, for your comfort the machine also features power inclination. So you can adjust the inclination, whenever you want, according to your needs.

Epic T60 comes to you with readout displays that help you to keep tab on the total time of your exercising, calories burnt while exercising, the speed and the total distance. The machine also has a pulse sensor grip that helps you to measure your pulse during the workout session. Besides this, another add-on feature that this treadmill machine carries is the presence of certain feedback displays.

The T60 model by Epic has pre-programmed workout programs installed on it. All these programs are customized. They flaunt the latest technology, which is known as iFit. iFit is one of the most developed interactive workout technology that is available in the sports industry today. iFit is user friendly and acts like a remote control of your machine.

Working of iFit is very simple. Sample this. The chest sensor, which is an option available on the T60 machine, can be controlled with the iFit technology. This will be done in accordance to your heart rate that will be displayed on the heart rate reader. The iFit technology will, like a trainer, provide you with guidance of a good workout program.

And to add on to this, this is without doubt a folding treadmill. The motor of the machine comes with a warranty of four years. All these things make Epic T60 treadmill a good buy for your fitness.

The Model T60 comes for $800 and thus provides true value to your money. But there are some downsides to this purchase as well. Some users are not satisfied with the quality of its parts. Perhaps that is the reason for its limited warranty.

Furthermore, this is a walking treadmill. For all joggers or runners, it is not the pick. They need to spend some where above $1,300.

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