Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Exercises For Low Mobility or Obese People

For people who are struggling with low mobility or severe obesity, even the simplest of exercises can be overwhelming. Despite their strong desire to lose weight and get in shape, the physical difficulties with traditional exercises leaves them frustrated and feeling hopeless. As a result the people who need to start an exercise program the most often give up before they even start.

"Research has shown that 10 minute activity recesses incorporated into daily living have significant effects on weight-loss and disease reduction/prevention," says fitness expert Stacey Grant who was kind enough to share her thoughts on helping obese people get started on a fitness program.

Incorporating these ten minute recesses into their life should be easy. Simple chores that people do every day are enhanced to add a little bit of difficulty to them. This helps the person get started on a very simple exercise plan.

"People who are classified as obese have trouble with sustained movement so moving about their homes and work areas in small increments can be extremely effective," Grant says. "Although formal exercises will be helpful down the road, moving about more should be the goal."

An important part of any exercise program is stretching. If the person can move their arms or legs, then they can stretch. Stretching helps limber up muscles, improve joint mobility, and can reduce pain caused by stress or tension. While stretching seems almost too easy, it is a very real exercise with very real benefits.

Grant recommends the following stretches for obese people or people with low mobility. Most of these can be completed while seated and should be repeated two times.

* Toe reach (reach for your toes, bending at the waist)
* Side bends (Bend to one side or the other while keeping the rest of the body straight)
* Ceiling reaches (Raise both arms and pretend you are trying to touch the ceiling)
* Arm across the body stretch (Have one arm reach across your body like you are trying to pick up something with your left hand while your right is full)
* Waist Twists (Turn your torso to the left and right while keeping your arms and legs still)
* Walk-in place

When stretching the exerciser should be careful not to strain the muscles. Over stretching (stretching the muscles too far) is a common mistake of new exercisers. The exerciser should not stretch to the point of pain, and they should not "bounce" while stretching. The muscle should be stretched slightly, held in that position for a count of 20, and then relaxed.

"The next ten minute recess could be walking to the mailbox a few times or to the entrance of their neighborhood. Once they have tried that once or twice, I would then suggest that they try it while carrying first a jug of milk then 2 gallon jugs of milk in each hand" Grant says. The exerciser is starting off by doing things that they normally do, but doing it a few extra times at first and then later making it more challenging by adding weight or repetition.

"The final ten minute suggestion would be to hold on to a chair or a counter and perform basic squats 10-15 times for two sets followed by those morning stretches." Squats build leg muscles, which are the largest and some of the most important muscles in the body.

Anyone who is exercising, no matter their skill level, needs to make sure they are watching their body for warning signs of over exertion.

"When exercising, it is best to start at a slow, manageable pace that you can build on instead of a strenuous one that will eventually cause you to burn out," Stacey Grant says. "Some discomfort is to be expected as your muscles stretch and reshape themselves however sharp pains and ripping sensations are not a normal part of exercise and could be evidence of a muscle injury."

Even if the exerciser does not feel immediate pain, they should monitor their overall well being for signs of over exertion or strain.

"The term over-training is synonymous with 'burn-out' and is characterized by tender muscles, overall achiness and deep fatigue. The symptoms of over-training can sometimes be similar to the 'run down' feeling one gets when you're coming down with a cold."

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Information on Anti-Aging Products

Aging products are used to prevent, reverse or slow the affect of skin's aging in people. There are a lot of treatments that people are using from decades while others that have just been introduced boasts of containing miracle formulas. The innate desire amongst people to look young has boosted the anti-aging products market and has converted it into a multibillion dollar industry.


Use of anti-aging products prevailed even in ancient times during Egyptian civilization. The indigenous people of the civilization used various herbs by like olive leaf in order to encourage longevity. In other cultures like Indian and Chinese herbs are contained in food, health practices and anti-aging products. Until a decade ago, scientists and alchemists had not achieved much success in making good anti-aging products even after trying a number of bizarre potions and cures.


In modern times, anti-aging products are basically used to reduce the physical signs of aging such as sunspots, skin damage and wrinkles. A lot of anti-aging products are made for middle-aged people so that they can stop the aging process of their skin and keep their skin firm. There are other products that are marketed by promoting the fact that can reverse the physical appearance of aging.


There are a large number of anti-aging products available and all of them can be placed into three major categories. These days a number of hormones are advertised stating that they can reverse the aging without directly affecting aging process. In other words, hormones mask the symptoms of aging. The second category is of those products that have anti-oxidants and they are quite popular. Presence of vitamins such as C, E and A helps in removing free radicals to the skin before these free radicals can pose any threat to skin cells that much and contribute to the aging process. The third in the category list are natural and herbal products which are widely used these days. These remedies contain a number of plant medicines that are known to have a great ability in preventing and reversing aging signs.

These products are available in form of vitamin supplements, cell injections, plastic surgery, magnets, skin creams, special diets and medication.


There are a number of physical as well as psychological benefits that these products have. Using one of these products can make a person look younger and youthful giving you an indescribable self-esteem and confidence.

Natural Remedies Only offers uterine polyps, anti-aging product and many more that are of high quality and work well with a focus on products formulated by one of the world's leading natural health researchers and read my other articles at Declan Devin.

You can read my other articles at Declan Devin.

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Using Eye Wrinkle Creams to Stay Young

One of the most fragile parts of our face is our eyes. It is why it easily shows signs of aging like wrinkles. Fine lines and eye wrinkles can easily be reduced through surgical procedures, synthetic fillers and eye wrinkle creams. Botox and artificial collagen placed into the areas around the eyes through surgery is expensive with lots of risks. If you are afraid to take such risks, then you may opt with other alternative treatment which is the application of eye wrinkle cream which counteract the factors that causes wrinkles.

Eye wrinkle creams work through healing the skin around the eye that is delicate compared with other areas on our face. Due to the skin's delicate features, it's primary importance is to choose eye wrinkle creams that will not causes irritation leading to eye redness as well as itchiness. One of the best types of creams to avoid such irritations are creams with natural ingredients. You should take note of this since some creams contain harmful products. It is still best to choose the cream containing natural ingredients.

These creams work not only on the outer part of the eye's skin but as well as the inner layer through stimulating cellular regeneration. One ingredient of some eye wrinkle creams is the Matrixyl, which is a revolutionary copper peptide. It works through stimulating the production of collagen, a vital fiber that keeps the eyes from any wrinkles to look young always. These creams provide permanent and natural results that sometimes even are instantly showing reduced wrinkles. Best eye wrinkle creams shouldn't just provide instant and long term results but as well fight other signs of aging like puffiness and dark circles.

Instant results mean that it will take weeks to see some changes since a lot of consumers expect that changes can be seen easily in the morning after it was applied during bedtime. It should be applied regularly and per doctor's order to see the effects in the expected time. The best thing about creams compared with surgical procedures is you become free from risks and expenses are lessened.

Always consult your physicians on eye creams you should use to get the optimum results. These creams should be free from any synthetic or artificial chemicals in order to avoid allergic reactions from occurring. Therefore, do your research before choosing and using the eye wrinkle cream for you.

If you're interested in more information about wrinkle creams, then make sure to visit our web site. We provide honest ratings, reviews, and comparisons on the top acne treatments including Meaningful Beauty, and much more.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Cougar Tips - Anti - Aging Tips For Women Over 40 and the Biochemistry Behind a Vibrant Sex Life

Until recently, the idea of being "attacked" by a cougar was frightening to me! But times change, definitions change, and now it would probably be a compliment. A "cougar" is no longer just a large, tawny, endangered cat. The new and now widely accepted definition of the term "cougar" refers to a vibrant older woman with an active sex life. There's also the "professional cougar" - women who are smart, sexy, independent and proud to be over 40, even if they are not in hot pursuit or pursued by younger men. But wait, the anti-aging scientist within me screamed out! There is more to consider! What does it take besides meeting the age definition of a "cougar" to perform physically, mentally and emotionally like a major league "cougar"? Are there some hints or advice that I can offer to aspiring, or for that matter, established "cougars" that will keep them at the top of their game? Yes there are! Here are several of the main "biochemical/physiological/hormonal training" concepts that will keep your prey (perhaps conquest is a better word) hard pressed to keep up with you!

The brain is a very sexy organ

It is essential to remember that sexual thoughts and stimulation start in the brain and then travel to other parts of the body. Ask anyone who is having a migraine how sexy they feel at that moment. Certain neurotransmitters like dopamine and hormones that initiate the sexual response (that "turned on" feeling), start their physiological magic in the brain, not between the legs! Stress, sickness, lack of exercise and poor nutrition can all lead to deficiencies in these chemicals necessary for achieving heightened sexual feelings. What can we do to maximize our "turned on" neurotransmitters that enhance the likelihood and intensity of orgasm?

The causes of low female libido and female sexual dysfunction

The most important neurotransmitter governing our sense of craving, lust, desire, need for satisfaction and pleasure is Dopamine (DA). Work hard, earn more money, dress beautifully, attract the opposite sex, and eat, survive for the pleasure of taste sensation- it's all about being rewarded! Adequate levels of dopamine turn on your "I want to feel good/reward circuitry" in your brain and sexual satisfaction is right at the top of those feelings and cravings. The reward circuitry is there for continuation of the species. Desire for sex means our genes will be passed on. Desire for food means we will survive. Just prior to orgasm, in normally functioning, orgasmic women, dopamine levels are at a high. Dopamine levels are often lower in non-orgasmic women.

Certain supplements and foods can increase dopamine levels

L-tyrosine is an amino acid. It is also the precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine (amongst others). It is found in dairy products, meats and fish. Tyrosine has been successfully studied for its benefits against stress, and stress is often a major reason for sexual dysfunction and lack of orgasm. Depression also negatively effects sexual desire and performance and tyrosine has demonstrated human benefits here as well. We need B vitamins (especially B-6 and folic acid) for tyrosine to convert to dopamine. 1000mg per day of tyrosine taken with a B-complex vitamin is recommended. Deep sleep, fish oils, salmon, cottage cheese, steak, low fat yogurt, bananas, avocado and spices can all increase dopamine levels and sex drive.


Prolactin- Suppressing dopamine is so important that nature uses an additional neurochemical to curtail our sexual desire - it's called prolactin. If dopamine creates desire and cravings, then prolactin decreases them. Prolactin is a hormone from the pituitary that signals the production of milk in the breasts when pregnant. High blood level of prolactin often causes low estrogen levels, infertility and a decrease in menstruation some women may experience a loss of libido (interest in sex). Intercourse may become painful because of vaginal dryness. The good news is that some of the dopamine raising suggestions we gave above may reduce prolactin levels that are too high and causing decreased libido and orgasmic function.

Low testosterone- women produce only small, but necessary quantities of testosterone which helps with muscle strength, bone mass and sexual function. Testosterone levels decrease with age and restoring testosterone levels may help improve well-being and libido. Low levels in women cause problems of low libido and difficulty in achieving orgasms. A 2004 study demonstrated that both premenopausal and postmenopausal women with low libido exhibited lower testosterone levels than age-matched women with a healthy sex drive and ability to achieve orgasm. Ask your physician to check your testosterone levels. Optimal levels for women are around 70-100 ng/ml (a ng is a nanogram which is 1 billionth of a gram which is a 28th of an ounce). If you are much lower, your doctor can prescribe a testosterone regimen that can return your levels to where they should be. A recent study indicated that 300mcg of testosterone via a patch, increased sexual desire in postmenopausal women.

L-ARGININE and YOHIMBINE - Sexual arousal intensity and vaginal sexual response time in women improved with the combination of L-arginine and yohimbine. Within 60 minutes of receiving the combination of 6 grams of L-argininine and 6mg of yohimbine, vaginal sexual response to an erotic film was substantially increased. This result comes as no surprise to me being that L-arginine improves blood flow and yohimbine does also, as well as having libido enhancing qualities. Though yohimbine can raise blood pressure in some people, at this very low dose it is unlikely. If you are taking anti-depressants, I would not recommend taking yohimbine. If you feel excessively nervous while taking yohimine, discontinue its use. For women who would like to implement some of the choices listed above, I would suggest trying the tyrosine, yohimbine/L-arginine supplements before trying prescription drug options mentioned in this article.

The Heart, or "Sex is an Aerobic Exercise"

In poetry, the "heart" is the quintessential source of emotion, but actually it's the brain! But the role of the heart in sexual performance and overall health cannot be overstated. Both men and women reproductive and sexual organs require significant and continued blood flow to maintain an intense and on-going sexual encounter. The heart has to be capable of delivering sufficient and on-going quantities of blood to these areas and the vasculature (arteries and veins) have to be youthful and flexible enough to receive and maintain the blood flow once it arrives.

CoQ-10 (Coenzyme Q-10) is a supplement that is involved in the production of energy. It is particularly helpful to the heart as it helps heart cells to produce energy efficiently, which can take the load off of the heart and make it healthy and strong. This can be very helpful in producing the youthful energy required for passionate love making.

Viagra for women?

Recent studies suggest that 50mg doses of Viagra increased both clitoral blood flow and sexual satisfaction scores in women who were experiencing orgasmic dysfunction. You may want to consider speaking with your physician to see if this is an option to pursue.

Foods that enhance blood flow

Watermelon, dark chocolate, asparagus, spices, black pepper, nutmeg, tumeric, garlic, sauerkraut, oysters, bananas, avocados, nuts and fish (fish oils).

The "Core" of the matter. The sex act and the different positions that can be assumed during creative and passionate sex require a certain degree of strength, especially if prolonged encounters are desired. The strength of the central "core" of your abdominal area, as well as the strength and tone of the pubococcygeus muscle group (PC) (in your pelvic area) is the key factor in determining how well and how long you can perform in the different sexual positions, as well as your ability to orgasm. Kegel exercises for the PC, plus two of the most effective core strengthening exercises are described below. Stay with these three simple exercises for 1 to 2 months and you will experience a notable improvement in your sex life. The strength and tone of the pubococcygeus muscle group (PC) is vital to achieving consistent orgasms and maintaining urinary continence as well. Stress as well as poor strength and tone of the PC group can lead to unconscious tightening of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs, which is known to interfere with the ability to reach orgasm. Most women have heard of Kegel exercises but very few ever do them on a consistent basis. Studies have shown that both women and men experience more consistent and intense orgasms after doing these exercises several times a day for two months.

Kegel Exercise (it really works!), don't leave them out, they're easy to do any place! To isolate and identify where your PC muscles is and what it feels like when it is contracted, when the bladder is empty, insert one of your fingers into the vagina up to the first knuckle. Pretend to urinate and try to stop the flow. The muscle that tightens around your finger is the PC. Now you will now clearly where it is located and how it feels when it is tightened. At least four times a day (more is better) tighten and release the PC 50 times. This will also release any stress and induces tension in the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. You can do these exercises anywhere. In a chair, standing up, lying down. Two of the best and easiest "Core-strengthening" exercises are the Reverse Crunch or the Pelvic Thrust and the Quadruped. You can do either the Reverse Crunch or the Pelvic Thrust (whichever you prefer - if energetic do both) and then do the Quadruped.

Reverse Crunch - Lying flat on your back extend both legs straight out towards the ceiling. Keeping your lower back flat to the floor just raise and lower you buttock of the floor. (The only part of your body leaving the floor should be the buttocks). Do this 30 times, rest for 45 seconds and repeat for another 30 times. Do this everyday for impressive results.

The Pelvic Thrust - This is actually the same movement as the Reverse crunch but for women who find extending their legs straight out towards the ceiling uncomfortable. Repeat exactly as instructed for the Reverse Crunch.

The Quadruped - This core-building exercise gets to those muscles of the back that are considered to be essential to total core strength. Get on a carpeted floor or mat, and rest on your hands and knees, with your hands aligned shoulder width. Extend your right arm out straight out towards the wall and hold it there for 20 seconds. Place it back on the floor and do the same with your left arm. Then replace the arm back on the floor and extend the right leg out behind you and hold for 20 seconds, retract and extend the left leg and do the same. When this gets too easy, extend opposite limbs together, ie: right leg and left arm, then left leg and right arm, and hold each for 20 seconds. Rest for 1 minute and repeat. Do this daily.

Looking good naked There is no doubt about the multiple health/cardiovascular benefits of consistent, moderate, exercise programs. But when it comes to looking good in or out of your clothing, if you were only going to dedicate your efforts in this area to either a healthy diet or exercise - the healthy diet wins by a mile. It's not even close. Think about it! Get on a treadmill for an hour and burn maybe 400 calories. Eat a cupcake and in one minute and all of the calories lost on the treadmill are instantly gained back! I speak with hundreds of women, who do more aerobic exercising than I will ever do. Many use weights or weight machines at their gym. Many have pretty good musculature which is unfortunately covered by a layer of FAT! The fat covering these exercised muscles can actually make them look chunkier than they like. Reduced caloric intake will get rid of that fat when aerobic exercise, that is not accompanied by caloric reduction, will not be anywhere near as effective. Healthy eating trumps exercise every time! Of course, combine them both and then the results speak for themselves.

Keeping your skin young looking The quality of your skin is obviously an important factor in how good you look and how young you look. We have probably all seen thin, in-shape women, whose skin folds and hangs, despite low levels of body fat. This is an example of the internal damage that can happen to the collagen and elastin levels in our skin that keeps it looking tight and young. While even the best of creams and lotions can have some topical benefits, the true quality of your skin is determined by the aging processes that are occurring WITHIN your body. Next we discuss what foods and supplements help protect your skin (and hair) and keep it young looking and protected, inside and out, from the damaging effects of aging. Listed below are a few ingestibles, and other things, that will keep your skin looking young.

Grape seed extract - How does taking grape-seed extract help prevent wrinkles? GSE helps with both blood flow (protects capillary integrity) to the skin and reduces free radical damage to the skin. Some research indicates that it inhibits the enzyme that breaks down elastin, the protein that keeps our skin tight. When our skin doesn't snap back into place in certain places, the elastin has been damaged. GSE will help the skin to keep a youthful appearance. Take at least 125mg per day of GSE.

Tea tree and citrus oils topically (not ingestible) help tone skin between washings via their astringent (skin tightening) effects. Vitamin C is biochemically crucial to the synthesis of collagen in our bodies. A minimum of 400mg per day is recommended.

Antioxidant laden foods - Foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin C and other antioxidants, include brightly colored fruits and vegetables, such as squashes, sweet potatoes, carrots, leafy greens, tomatoes, strawberries, and kiwi. Vitamin E is found in a variety of nuts and their oils and wheat germs.

Water hydrates the skin from the inside out, so practice drinking enough water that you rarely get thirsty. Avoid smoking! Few things are more destructive to skin quality. It can literally starve the skin of oxygen and destroy its youthful appearance.

Choose 'smart' anti-aging fats! The essential fatty acids EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid) found in fish oils and the essential fatty acid ALA (alpha linolenic acid) found in flax seed oil are anti-inflammatory, help with circulation and can add to the youthful quality of your skin in addition to cardiovascular, brain and multiple other benefits. Try to get at least 500mg per day of EPA/DHA in total. This can usually be achieved by taking two softgels of a well made fish oil product. You can also get benefits from taking a tablespoon of flax oil per day.

Not now - I really do have a headache! One final tip - it's tough for a woman to be at her best when suffering from a migraine. When a migraine occurs it's too late for a romantic evening - preventing them from occurring is the real answer to the problem. If you are a migraine sufferer your may benefit from an all-natural patented product called MigreLief, found at Many people have have experienced amazing results by using this product. Incorporate these anti-aging habits into your daily lifestyle. I hope you've enjoyed reading this article and that you incorporate all or most of its suggestions into your day-to-day lifestyle. I just realized, indirectly, I'm probably going to make a lot of men in their twenties and thirties very happy!

Helping you to get well, stay well, and stay young and vibrant well into the later years of life! Your anti-aging scientist, Curt Hendrix, M.S., CCN, CSN.

While Curt continues to share his vast knowledge and expertise on health and nutrition, he remains dedicated to his research and development of safer, more effective medications and supplements. For more information, please feel free to visit his blog at Learn about the bio-chemistry (made easy) of aging, and what you can do to stop it.

Visit Curt at

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Curt Hendrix - EzineArticles Expert Author

Brain's Best Prescription? - Exercise!

As the owner of a home care agency who deals (primarily) with the elderly, I have a front row seat to see what is happening to our minds and bodies as we age. And I keep up with the research. I wonder how many of these same people would still be going through the drive thru's if they knew what I know and could see what I see on a daily basis.

There is really no longer any debate. Being active and exercising is probably the most protective medicine we have for our minds as we age. Several recent studies have shown improvement in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) when the subjects exercised regularly. This is important because about 15% of those with MCI can expect to progress to Alzheimer's. And older adults who keep active have a nearly 40% reduction in even getting MCI. We are realizing that we need to focus on prevention of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's or, short of that, fighting them as early on as possible.

Long term exposure to physical and mental stressors results in something called oxidative stress. This oxidative stress lowers the brains vulnerability to diseases such as-you guessed it-Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Parkinson's is another brain disease resulting from oxidative stress. Getting regular aerobic exercise at least 5 days per week can actually shield the brain from this stress.

Strength training is important too. Recently researchers assessed the strength of about 1000 dementia free people aged 54 to 100. They followed the group for 4 years noting the strength of nine major muscle groups. Those who ranked in the top ten percent for strength had a whopping 61% lower risk of developing Alzheimer's than the lowest 10%!

Need more convincing? How about a 2008 study published in Neurology where researchers measured the midsections of 6500 middle aged adults in the 1960's and 70's and followed up with them 36 years later. The ones who had the most abdominal fat in their 40's were three times more likely to develop dementia in their later years than those who had the least fat around the middle.

Even as a normal brain ages, loss of neuronal connections, blockages of blood supply and decrease in nerve-signaling chemicals all factor in to decline of brain function. For a long time we thought it was impossible to grow new brain cells. Turns out this is not true. Studies by Fred Gage, Ph.D. and colleagues at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have shown the more physical exercise you get, the more brain cells you grow, the longer they live and the better they connect with other cells.

Brisk walking for just 40 minutes four times/week increases the blood flow to areas of the brain that are able to grow new brain cells. He has concluded that movement is so vital to brain health that a lot of the cognitive decline we conclude is inevitable due to the aging process is really due to being couch potatoes.

Theanna L. Zika began Heavenly Helpers Senior Home Care in 2004 with a vision to "raise the bar" on the quality of existing home care for seniors. Heavenly Helpers is an independent, non medical home care agency proudly serving the St. Louis, Missouri Metro area. While our office is located in the heart of Webster Groves, we provide care throughout St. Louis, St. Charles and Jefferson County. For more information, please visit us at

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Theanna L Zika - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Various Treatments of Morbid Obesity

How can you treat an individual that is carrying more than 100 pounds of excess weight? What is the best morbid obesity treatment? Does exercise and dieting work or is weight-loss surgery the only realistic option?

Morbid obesity is becoming a growing global problem. As the world becomes fatter, so the numbers of individuals that are morbidly obese continue to grow and the cost to treat then continues to spiral upwards.

Possibly the best way to treat the condition is through the use of exercise and dieting. It is cheaper, especially if the individual takes responsibility for their own weight loss program and is safer (if done sensibly).

Unfortunately such morbid obesity treatments rarely work without the inclusion of behaviour modification therapy. Behaviour modification treatment is often given by a professional therapist that attempts to change the behaviour of morbidly obese patients by making radical changes to their way of life. Many therapists explore issues from emotional problems to self-image and interpersonal relationships.

This form of treatment can sometimes work and many that have undergone this form of treatment have been known to loose significant amounts of weight. By controlling the way they interact with food and by exercising regularly morbidly obese people can lose a lot of weight. Behaviour modification therapy gives them the motivation techniques and discipline required to make it happen.

But most of the time behaviour modification with exercise only helps a patient lose a certain amount of weight; an amount of weight loss that is insufficient to cure a very overweight person.

In such instances other options are made available, one of which is weight loss surgery. Weight loss treatment of morbid obesity can help a very overweight individual lose more than 65% of their excess weight in less than one year; compare that with only 5%, which is the average amount lost from people who take the behaviour modification route with dieting and exercising.

Weight loss surgery is a complex and traumatic procedure and it isn't one that should be taken lightly. Most people who are possible candidates for bariatric surgery normally have to be screened before they are allowed to undergo the procedure. It isn't normally recommended for individuals who are unwilling or unable to change their lifestyles. Only morbidly obese people who can dedicate themselves to a lifelong program requiring drastic lifestyle changes are seriously considered for weight loss surgery.

No matter what treatment is decided upon, the experience can be just as traumatic for a morbidly obese patient. To prevent the pain and struggle of having to go through an extremely tough program involving less food, exercise and behaviour modification or even the more difficult process of weight loss surgery lead a healthy life and don't become extremely overweight.

Reas Johnson is a microbiology student, who loves writing about popular health related issues. Social medical issues are often best looked at when you are properly informed. It's easy to misinform and scare those that are not been given the facts.

For more information go to: Morbid Obesity Treatments

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Obesity and Emotional Eating - Why Weight Loss Does Not Depend Only on the Diet

Very often, weight loss diets don't work and that's not because they are inefficient, but because the people following them cannot learn to put their emotional hunger under control. Have you ever confronted yourself with the irresistible crave to eat when you were depressed or upset? Did you ever act on that crave and filled yourself with things like sweets, ice cream, and/or pizza? This being the case, it's no wonder that diets aren't effective if you can't control your own feelings and give into them by literally stuffing yourself with food. You have to realize that emotional eating is not a reaction to actual hunger. You don't actually need food. However, your emotions and your mind-set, act like a stimulant - therefore eating becomes a necessity in the attempt to suppress all kinds of feelings. If you want to change this destructive habit, you must first understand what activates it.

The most common culprit that triggers emotional eating is the feeling that you're not appreciated by the people around you. When you feel that people don't reward you for your achievements you go and dive into a bucket of ice cream thinking that you deserve it for what you've accomplished. Another common emotional trigger is resentment. When you are angry with yourself or with somebody else and the first thing you do is to eat something, you're then eating with resentment. And sometimes you can eat a lot, only due to this one feeling that you have. And the truth is that the more you continue eating, the more resentful you may become - which will throw you in a long spiral of continuous eating. Yet another common trigger for emotional eating is the felling that there's nothing in your powers in order for you to change your life: you can't travel; you can't do the activities you desire; you can't make new friends, etc. In other words, you lack activity in your life, so you find a good compensation in eating. For this reason, you might feel that food can diversify your life and bring another perspective into it but don't forget that it's not filling up only your time; it's also filling up your body.

So if you ever start a new weight loss program and you get bored along the way, or if you get the feeling of being unappreciated for your efforts, you have to be aware and not to fall into the trap of emotional eating.

Fight obesity by putting a stop to emotional eating. Click the link to pick the right diet plan for you.

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Dan Sparrow - EzineArticles Expert Author