Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weight Loss Surgery - Why it is Not Good For You

Obesity is a growing concern all over the world. As quoted by the world health organization ‘Globally, there are more than 1 billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them obese’. Obesity is not just as simple as being a ‘fat person’. It is a chronic state of being overweight. A survey conducted in 2008 estimates that about 220,000 in the U.S. had weight loss surgery in that very year. These alarmingly high numbers brings us to some basic questions, how advisable is it to undergo surgery for weight loss? Who should undergo surgery and who not? Is it safe? Health experts largely believe that this method of weight reduction is unadvisable. One of the very basic reasons behind this is that it is unnatural. Any unnatural and non-gradual reduction of weight comes with a heavy price. This article will take you through some of the most basic side-effects of a weight loss surgery which makes this method unadvisable.

Abdominal discomfort can last for 2-3 months after surgery. Nausea and vomiting is the most commonly cited side effects. This majorly happens because the surgery reduces the size of your stomach and hence the quantity of food it can take in at one time. Most individuals take a while before getting used to the new diet patterns for the reduced stomach.

A weight loss reduction surgery cause rapid decrease in body mass. In order to make up for this loss of mass, additional medication is generally given to patients post surgery. Often these medicines lead to dehydration which in turn leads to nausea and vomiting, making the entire process a vicious circle.

Food Intolerance
There are considerably high chances of developing food intolerance post surgery. Dry meat such as steaks, sticky food, gummy or fibrous food substances are reported to cause a lot of issues. Cauliflower and broccoli can cause gas formation and also result in abdominal cramping. Approximately 1% of patients develop lactose intolerance (intolerance towards milk and milk products). Patients also get affected by alcohol a lot faster.

Dumping Syndrome
Dumping syndrome is when food is ‘dumped’ into a small intestine, beyond its capacity. This happens largely with fried and greasy food. Although it is not a serious threat to health and life in general, it can be quiet an unpleasant event. It starts off with stomach cramps and moves on to feeling fatigued, sweaty and tired.

Changing bowel habits
Constipation is highly common. Post surgery there is little or hardly any bowel movement. This phenomenon has been observed more in women.

Transient Hair Thinning
For about 2- 10 months after surgery, patients observe rapid thinning of hair. Sometimes patients lose most of their scalp hair and are required to use a wig till the hair grows back. This is mostly due to the decrease in protein levels in the body.

Cold Intolerance
When you lose weight off rapidly, you not only lose weight you also lose insulating body fat. There is a general change in your metabolism level. On account of these factors patients often complain of feeling ‘cold’ even in warm room temperate.

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